Palm Desert's Personal Trainer & Bootcamp Instructor

“Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice.” –Thomas S. Monson

I chose this quote from Thomas S. Monson to preamble today’s blog post, as it reminds me of the simple crime that most human’s being perpetrate on themselves and upon others.

I have no clue what has happened to commitment, conviction and compliance these days. I see it in the fitness industry. (Jumping ship for the latest &, greatest) I see it in business, (not utilizing metrics to gauge and quantify results) and I see it in inter-personal relationships, (jumping ship for the seemingly new or improved). The truth is…life is what we make it. We must choose what we love and love our choice. We are losing sight of what matters most…people. We are losing sight of the principles in which the successful have always applied and the platform in which should be erected to successfully self-govern. We have allowed too many nay-sayers, (vampires and crabs) and too many non-supportive entities into our lives, as well as unconsciously subjecting ourselves to unsound and unhealthy thinking, doing and being. We are reaping the rewards of faulty living and because we are too involved in being admired, being adorned and being acclaimed, we are ignoring the things that matter most. If you desire mediocrity, you will acquire mediocrity, if you desire value; you will aspire to and acquire value. We get what we give and nothing more. If your results are not what you had hoped, if happiness hasn’t knocked you over the head, re-e (value) ate and recalibrate. We are solely/souly responsible and accountable for our state of “being” and no thing and no one except ourselves are to blame. We cannot be held harmless for our thoughts, actions and behaviors. If you want more, be more. If you have the need for love, plant the seed for love… It’s really that simple. Remember, to see change, be change…to be fit, see fit and most importantly, if it is love you need, it is love you feed.-KLH