Palm Desert's Personal Trainer & Bootcamp Instructor

Kurt Lee Hurley's Secrets To Succed UNLEASHED!

The Movie Star Workout

The Movie Star, er, ummm… Super Hero Workout.
How To Get Into Super Shape.

Everybody loves a good movie. Most people love a good super hero movie. Nonetheless, few people know what it actually takes for an actor to build the type of body necessary to insure the success of a box-office, blockbuster motion picture. Sure, I don’t think there’s a person on the planet who thinks it’s all cake and gravy. However, you are foolish to think it’s not several months of hard, intensive labor, focus and devotion to science & the discipleship of proven methods and methodologies… Along with a whole host of other crucial components for achieving that Movie Star, er, umm… Super Hero body.

Without further delay…

Here we go… A superstar actor calls me up and says he has 12 weeks to transform his body for a major movie role as the lead in the latest, big-budget, live-action super hero feature film. What do I do, how do I ensure he achieves this goal?

First & foremost, I determine that this actor has already or is able to develop the discipline to do what is necessary to not only conquer the muscle building aspect of body transformation, but even much more important, he possesses the ability to conquer the exceedingly more vital dietary discipline. Which means his mind is in the right place at the right time. He must be in better than decent physical condition and also be able to ambulate (move) plausibly well. He must also be fairly athletic.

Mindset is and always will be #1 in the achievement of any goal (body transformation is no exception) and in my business, one must always first… Change the mind to change the body. Diet is a very close second.
Hollywood has a current criterion for what their super heroes look like; they must be big, but no longer too big. They must be ripped, but Ashton Kutchers’ lean, fit body doesn’t quite cut the mustard. They must be what the focus groups have determined will be the most significant reason to shell out $10 bucks or more for a movie ticket. So, he is both everyman’s ideal and every woman’s idea of hot. Keep in mind Hollywood demands a huge, shapely upper body, while strategic camera wizardry will always minimize the necessity of massive, sometimes awkward tree-trunk legs. This type of training is like walking the razors edge. The demand is high, but the supply is nigh.

Ok, now

Metabolic Resistance Training – The New School Of Old School

By Kurt Lee Hurley

Building a better, more efficient body involves more than just lifting weights. A basic understanding of human kinetics and movement, of how muscles work sure helps.

So, exactly how do muscles work?

Muscles are developed by causing or making them work and they can only work when the body is in motion. Muscles work even more efficiently when we are in full motion. Therefore, to develop the muscles to their maximum potential, we must make them work to the best of their abilities.

In order to fully develop your muscles, you have to move, and move, and move, and move. The only thing that will actually grow in points of inertia, if you remain immobile, is your weight. If you want muscle growth, strength and power, you must work your body methodically. Muscle training by today’s definition is called working out. My chosen method or the method of the day is called Metabolic Resistance Training.

Muscles can be toned