Palm Desert's Personal Trainer & Bootcamp Instructor

How To Set And Realize Your Goals – Part I

Who Are You And What Is Your Creed?

Hello, my friend…

Today’s post isn’t going to be lengthy, nor is it something to just gloss over. If you put the following exercise into action, you will find goal attainment of any sort is no longer a mystery, it will no longer be something you just read about. If put to the test, your goals will be something that you have conquered and your life will truly be of your own design, on your own terms.


Awesome, here you go…

Take an hour and disappear. Turn off your phone, tablet, laptop and any other encumbrance. Find a quiet place to go within and openly think. Relax your mind and body, quiet your inner self and ask yourself these questions:

Who Is Kurt Lee Hurley

Hey… What’s up?  It’s Kurt here and because I am still getting quite a few emails and phone calls from people all over the place asking the same two questions; “Who are you? And where did you come from? As if I have just recently broken into the fitness and business coaching industries. So, I thought I would do my best and try to answer those two questions as clearly and concisely as I possibly can.

The first thing I always say is, “Google me.” I don’t mean to sound arrogant and I am sincere when I say it, but come on… We Google everything, why when it comes to doing research on hiring a personal trainer, bootcamp instructor, business coach or even verifying credibility, do we not use Google? By the way, “Kurt Lee Hurley” has more than 20,000,000 Google entries, yes…I did just write 20,000,000. So what perhaps does that mean?  Hmmm…? I’ll let you decide.

Let me say this… There are a lot of unqualified “experts” teaching your kids, your wife and your employees a whole lot of nothing. Believe me, it’s sad but true.

Do This, Don’t Do That… What To Eat And Not To Eat To Build Your Sizzling, Super-Sexy Slim, Swimsuit Body

"Things do not change. We change." - Henry David Thoreau

I still get a big ol’ giggle when I consult with a female prospect (of any age) and they exclaim with firm conviction that they are afraid to lift weights because they don’t wanna get “big”. As if this de-conditioned female literally had the kind of shear strength and power to lift hard enough and heavy enough to cause such disrepair that her muscles would actually hypertrophy (grow) and subsequently manifest a bigger, more muscular physique. Please, let’s put this archaic, misgiving to rest. Ladies, you cannot do such a thing no matter how fast & furious you manhandle those 8 pound dumbbells, it just isn’t gonna happen. Not to mention the intricate dietary discipline and the construction and consumption of the sort of diet that would have to be employed to get “big” typically would never happen either, so relax.

However, in order to build the kind of beautiful body most women wish to possess, you must work similarly to and employ very similar training techniques that those who are “big” have used in pursuit of their goal. What makes all the difference in the world is how you eat to support the goal. Eat big, get big. Got it?

Why Provo’s Personal Trainer And Premiere Bootcamp Instructor Is Singing Provo’s Praises

Okay, so living here in Utah County, we are all aware of the (dare I say) frugal community in which we reside. However, being in the service industry I have seen something that others perhaps might not.

There is good, kind, generous people everywhere and Utah County is no different. Religion, or spiritual pursuit’s aside, the bottom line is this place is chock full of fantastic people.