Palm Desert's Personal Trainer & Bootcamp Instructor

Do This, Don’t Do That… What To Eat And Not To Eat To Build Your Sizzling, Super-Sexy Slim, Swimsuit Body

"Things do not change. We change." - Henry David Thoreau

I still get a big ol’ giggle when I consult with a female prospect (of any age) and they exclaim with firm conviction that they are afraid to lift weights because they don’t wanna get “big”. As if this de-conditioned female literally had the kind of shear strength and power to lift hard enough and heavy enough to cause such disrepair that her muscles would actually hypertrophy (grow) and subsequently manifest a bigger, more muscular physique. Please, let’s put this archaic, misgiving to rest. Ladies, you cannot do such a thing no matter how fast & furious you manhandle those 8 pound dumbbells, it just isn’t gonna happen. Not to mention the intricate dietary discipline and the construction and consumption of the sort of diet that would have to be employed to get “big” typically would never happen either, so relax.

However, in order to build the kind of beautiful body most women wish to possess, you must work similarly to and employ very similar training techniques that those who are “big” have used in pursuit of their goal. What makes all the difference in the world is how you eat to support the goal. Eat big, get big. Got it?

But let’s say you do actually want to lift hard enough and heavy enough to build a sizzling, super- sexy, slim swimsuit body, what would need to take place is as follows. 

In order to gain adequate muscle (build lean, non-fatty tissue) while minimizing fat gain you need to eat several small meals per day. You also need to time your carbohydrate intake so that you ingest the majority of those carbs during the two most vital times of the day. That being when your insulin sensitivity is highest, as well as when your body is most susceptible and ready for growth. These times are immediately after rising in the morning and directly after your workout. This isn’t to say that you cannot eat carbs at other times, as you should, but that you should consume the greater portion of them during those times. Make sure that you eat every two to three hours and have protein, fat and carbs at every meal before 6 pm. Why? Quite simply because in the evening your insulin sensitivity decreases, and so the need to avoid starchy carbs becomes paramount, unless of course your goal is to get fat.

Choose organic foods whenever possible, period. I mean, I shouldn’t have to be the one to tell you that the vast majority of our commercially grown and raised food is polluted with disgusting chemicals and artificial poisons.

Go big or go home with your veggie intake. Truth is, without proper fuel for growth (quality carbohydrates) all the hard work and effort that you’ve put forth will be a complete waste of time.

Another thing to keep in mind is that ultra-high protein diets are massive scams that have been perpetrated and pushed on the bodybuilding public and the general public at large. In fact, the first food pyramid was actually paid for by the meat and dairy industry. This explains why the recommended daily dietary intake of these particular foods was so high. Later, when protein powders were developed, savvy marketers began to hype the value of protein in the pursuit of muscle building. The simple truth is this; muscles are 70% water and if these marketing monsters could sell you a $40 bottle of water, they would. Don’t get me wrong; protein is vital, just not to the degree that it’s been hyped. Think about it, prisons are full of inmates that make most pro-athletes look like dwarves in both mass and muscularity and they subsist on cheap, super high carb diets and very little high quality protein.

In order to build a sizzling, super-sexy, slim swimsuit body, you must focus on quality carbohydrates consumed at the appropriate times throughout the day. Your need to break the bank purchasing expensive protein products is indeed uncalled for and unnecessary.
I hope this little ditty provided you with a little bit of science, common sense and a degree of confidence, I truly do. Now go ahead and build that beautiful Baywatch body, or call or email me… I will assist you in making your pursuit of pure, purposeful perfection, less painful (or more painful) and save you thou$and$ on trial and error.

In Pursuit Of Purpose And Prowess,

Kurt Lee Hurley     

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